Meet Maya...
I don't want you to get the idea that I'm starving for content, but I've decided to do a solid for my pal Maya and give her fledgling business some free pub...

I KNOW!! So cute you can hardly stomach it. Maya Liparini's Pet Portrait business - in addition to being the sole moneymaking venture of my friend and K-bor - is one of the simple pleasures in life. Whether you're in her target market (read: wealthy, quirky, or completely obsessed pet owner) or, like me, just an animal fan with an appreciation for her appropriate and understated silliness, you should check out her site ( Past the pet paintings, there are the assorted collected works of a really very talented artist, and an opportunity to dig deeper and truly understand the origins of Maya's unique vocation. When not embroiled in drinking contests with her cat, she actually does a great job of bringing the spirits of animals alive in their portraits. As a testament to this, and as today's farewell, I leave you with my personal favorite from the Liparini Pet Catalog....

I KNOW!! So cute you can hardly stomach it. Maya Liparini's Pet Portrait business - in addition to being the sole moneymaking venture of my friend and K-bor - is one of the simple pleasures in life. Whether you're in her target market (read: wealthy, quirky, or completely obsessed pet owner) or, like me, just an animal fan with an appreciation for her appropriate and understated silliness, you should check out her site ( Past the pet paintings, there are the assorted collected works of a really very talented artist, and an opportunity to dig deeper and truly understand the origins of Maya's unique vocation. When not embroiled in drinking contests with her cat, she actually does a great job of bringing the spirits of animals alive in their portraits. As a testament to this, and as today's farewell, I leave you with my personal favorite from the Liparini Pet Catalog....

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