Those Krazy Krauts!

You know when you buy seven or eight ounces of weed, and then you get home and realize that the quality just isn't up to par? I've always wondered what a guy's options are in that sort of situation (and no, this is not another NFL post... I'm not talking about Ricky Williams or Nate Newton). I mean, of course the first thing to do is go back and talk to your dealer. But I've found - and perhaps this is just my personal experience, or lack thereof - that the drug trade is pretty much a caveat emptor situation. Still, there must be some recourse for a disgruntled pot purchaser.

Well, my new buddy from Darmstadt, Germany can tell you what not to do: ask the cops for help. Apparently when you throw a few zips on the table and tell the po' it's "un-usable," they don't brace the dealer for your five hundo in cash.

There's your laugh of the day. I promise to check in again soon.


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