Better not live in a glass house...

If you're looking for Super Bowl commentary, you've come to the wrong place, friends. The K-borhood is off football for the week. Frankly, the NFL's extra week of pre-SB media hype strikes me as presumptuous and obnoxious. Today we're talking beats and rhymes - I'm throwin' Stones.

Stones Throw Records, people. If you're a hip-hop fan, you need to get down with these dudes. Madlib. Jay Dee aka J Dilla. MF Doom The Villain. Peanut Butter Wolf. Wildchild. MED. These are names you need to know. Those of you who know the "underground" hip-hop scene recognize the first few names at least, but I'm telling you the whole roster is flamin'.

The best part: ridiculous collaborations. Jaylib - 'Dilla and Madlib; Madvillain - Madlib and MF Doom; Lootpack - Madlib, Wildchild, DJ Romes; the list goes on. I'd say if you're looking for some real hotness to start off with, Jaylib's Champion Sound and Madvillain's Madvillainy are where it's at. The beats on these albums are off the hook.

'Dilla and Madlib in particular are production wizards. They have that rare ability to maximize their sound while minimizing the components. These are simple beats. They are no-frills. There's not a bunch of beeping and crap that sounds like cell phone rings. Yes, Lil' John, I'm talking to you. You've got some quality samples - mostly from old jazz records - some sweet breaks and a hard-hitting rhythm. The rhymes are at best original and clever, and at worst a solid complement to the artistry of the backbeat.

My iPod is bumping strictly Stones Throw right now, K-bors. These dudes are blowing my socks off. I just wanted you to know that.


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