You were always on my mind...

Yes, my dear friends, K-bors and fellow bloggers, I once again neglected you for the better part of a week. I'm really trying to get a handle on this blog thing, so as to keep you updated on things more regularly, but I have to be honest with you: the holidays are really throwing a monkey wrench into the whole situation. As Christma-Hannu-Kwanza-kah draws ever nearer, I think everybody begins to panic a bit. Nevertheless, I suppose it's fair of you to ask why it's so tough on a guy who doesn't buy presents for anyone and takes the entire week from Xmas to NYE off from work. I can't be certain, but it seems to be intense feelings of loneliness - expounded by the fear of dying horribly alone - that do it for me. Whatever the cause may be, know that the holidays can be a busy and stress-filled time for unemployed vagrants, too. Yet, despite crying myself to sleep with thoughts of sales jobs and ugly prostitutes, I managed to stop by the K-borhood to wish you a "Happy Holidays," since the US Government now requires me to do so.

I also figured, since I was already in the 'hood, that I'd do a teensy little bit of self-promotion. I am recently employed (in the sense that I have assignments, not in the sense that I earn money) by a website called Sports Business Simulations. You can find my work (and a picture of me holding a toucan) in the "SBS - Taking Pulse" section. These writings (mentioned previously in the K-borhood) are a significant part of what has been keeping me from you guys...

... but enough excuses already! What kind of person lets his blog sit idle for a week and returns with nothing but platitudinous apologies and excremental excuses? Not me, friends. And that is why I leave you with this pledge: so long as you continue to read and comment, I will continue to post; and though I might need a little leeway until the holidays are officially over, I hereby promise to post at a rate of NO LESS than once every 6 days. And now, dear K-bors, I bid you adieu, with Happy Holiday tidings. It is my sincere hope that we shall speak again before December ends, but should we not, I invite you to join me in boldly going where no man has gone before: 2006.


Blogger Kolsky said...

... and it breaks my heart to see those cute little puppy eyes leaking like Karl Rove on a Friday. Like I said, my posting rate should increase considerably after the holiday season. FYI, my favorite blog posting of the week is on BNAC, regarding Santarchy, a truly magical Christmas tradition. I particularly enjoy Southeastern Michigan's answer to the craze: Zombie Claus!!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Zennie said...

Welcome to SBS Matt! Hang in there! Your new NBA blog is on it's way! Just keep writing and when you get to the magic 10, life will change....8 to go!

12:54 PM  

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