If I made you feel second best...

Friends and K-bors, I would like to take the time to apologize for my recent behavior. I have been neglecting you, as a group, for a week now. Alas, I have no good excuse for my truancy. I'd like to say I've been terribly busy with work, but that would be a blatant lie. I might as well be like Stan Van Gundy, and tell you I really need to spend time with my family. In truth, I have been setting my affairs in order in an attempt to organize my life before beginning a three-week period of insanity. I drive from San Francisco to Chicago, then fly back to San Fran, then back to Chicago the following weekend, then back to San Francisco the week after that, all the while making important decisions about the Kolsky Road Show's next launching site. Meanwhile, I'll be writing NBA articles for a sports website. More on that later.
For now, though, I need your help, K-bors. And not with my life decisions, though I certainly need help there. I am about to embark on a three day, thirty some-odd hour road trip, and I've been feeling confined by my music lately. If I let the red-headed-she-devil-captain of the vessel control the music, I would very probably find myself as the ball in a vicious game of Pong played by The Killers and Method Man. As such, I'm hoping my readership will be able to save me from certain insanity by coming together and participating in a collective brainstorm. If we all put some ideas for good driving music in the comment section here, we can have a rubric for road trip programming on this blog in perpetuity, and no K-borhood reader will ever again suffer for lack of music to drive by.
Blastoff is in T-minus 55 hours, circa 5 PM PST, Wednesday, Dec. 14. I trust we will complete our mission before this deadline. Suggest away!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

on my itunes playlist right now:

1) murs and slug - felt 2
not only is this album a tribute to lisa bonet (who i plan to marry someday), but its some laid back melodic hip hop that would work well on a road trip

2) DJ Honda - II
dj honda along with some classic artist (de la soul, camp lo, roc raida, beatnuts)

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i recommend just listening to the radio. by the time you get to Nebraska or thereabouts, i hope (nay, pray) that the radio evangelists will have convinced you to invite Jeebus into your heart.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Kolsky said...

Now, Abuna was very helpful with his suggestions. I have acquired the DJ Honda album (I already had felt 2) and it is gonna be great. Ji, I like your suggestion, but unfortunately my soul is lost and I'm not sure my firebrand partner in crime ever had a soul. So really musical suggestions would be better. Possibly something Satanic in nature?

3:42 PM  

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