SO. Kolsky here. Some of you know me. Others know
of me. Most, however, know very little about anything, much less the life and times of a largely unemployed vagrant. This blog is, at present, a clean creative slate - a
blank canvas, waiting to be micturated upon by the bulbous bladder that is the collective consciousness of the generation lovingly referred to as the
Echo Boomers. I've been told I need to choose a subject. I disagree. I've also been told I could write about
sperm whales and still attract interest. Have we become so blog-centric already? As it happens, the same poor soul told me both of those things, so I'm more inclined to worry about his mental health than I am to give much credence to either suggestion. As for a subject, I'd like to keep things in flux (not to be confused with
fluxus). Why pigeon-hole ourselves with trivialities like 'subject' or 'meaning' (meaning being a subject already addressed at length by many great thinkers:
here and
here) when we could be flying on the wings of inspiration, picking and choosing topics as we please? Right? Are you with me, Gen Y? Good. That said, I suspect your return trips to the K-borhood will find you mired in sports opinions and music reviews, with the occasional injection of socio-political commentary. You say that's a subject?
Sue me. You may also run into a tale or two of depraved indulgence - dread accounts of nights on the town/city/village/metropolis/3-bedroom apartment. None of them are true (seriously, Mom). What am I telling you, here? Nothing, ultimately. I want
you to tell
ME something, friend. Before I fill these pages with pablum concerning the
2005 World Champion Chicago White Sox and 2006 Super Bowl Champion Chicago Bears (there, I said it, and not for the first time), jump on in with a comment and tell me what we
ought to be discussing. Frankly, I'm more interested in what you have to say than I am in what I have to say; but what really gets me is what I have to say about what you have to say about me not saying anything. So, without further ado, I present...
The K-borhood!